Sunday, December 23, 2007
The week of Christmas is a busy one.
I'm busy doing my artwork for a client, many drawings of animals in full color, and training for a home agent position as a finance consultant for a large corporation. If I'm not drawing, I'm studying or taking one of many, many tests. I go off training for the job in less than a week, which is both exciting and a little intimidating. I get a bit spooked by all the computer programs I had to learn for this, but all is fine, it just takes a lot of practise. Thank goodness for Starbucks coffee, cable tv and delivery Chinese. Though my family is far away and I can't get away to see them, we talk on the phone a lot, and I'm celebrating the holiday here with my friends. Life is good, busy but good.
Friday, November 30, 2007
The last day of training for a new home agent job
My hometown, Cleveland, Ohio from a popular section called the Flats.
I'm here in Florida, missing my parents back in the burbs of Cleveland, and working like crazy, studying for a test. Changing day jobs during the holidays is a bit of a challenge but worth the work. The great thing about being a home agent and artist, is that I can work from home doing both, and save time/gas by eliminating rush hour and other commuting nightmares. Ok, I miss out on things like company parties and get togethers or every day camaraderie with co-workers, but it's helped to keep me focused. I have people in the art world that I do business with, and work, well, it is all by phone and internet. Other people rely heavily on their cars for work, I rely on my computer. If it gave up on me, I'd freak, so it is maintained within an inch of it's electronic life, as well as backed up by two others.
Having switched home agent jobs for a better and mroe prestigious offer, I am now in training for my new job, after taking a bunch of clearance, drug and other tests. Now, it's on to the book phase, which I enjoy. We must take many company paid courses, and to me it's all great education. This is the last day of my first round of training, all done through the phone, IM and their website. It's very comprehensive, and today is the final test. I'm surrounded by banking policies and security measures, along with a long list of other other heavy duty topics that we must know upside down and backwards since we'll be handling people's money for a living. It's a job of responsibility and a lot better than my old day job of three years, that is going down in flames in a spectacular fashion. Good companies grow, the bad ones just die off from poor management.
During all of this, I am deep in production, doing a bunch of drawings for a valued illustration client. It's so fun to be able to do two drastically different jobs, from both sides of the brain. It keeps life interesting and me motivated. Life is good, and it'll be better (I hope) once this exam is done. Then, it's on to another course and a bunch of new tests...
Friday, November 23, 2007
The Holiday Season Begins
'Tis the Season to go Shopping..and Shopping, and More Shopping..
Yesterday was Thanksgiving but for me, it was a peaceful day of doing very little. I was home, here with the cats, enjoying solitude and relaxation of doing nothing. For the last three days before, I began training for my upcoming day job, working as an agent from home, for the banking division of a famous company. It's a job that gives me the freedom to work from my home office, and still do my artwork as normal. Training for this job is complex, and will take six months to complete but it's interesting and challenging. During these hard financial times, a second income is going to help me out with a steady paycheck. Such is the life of a freelancer, going with the flow.
Today is Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year, right after Thanksgiving. I'm staying in, working on illustrations for a customer. I have a bunch of them to do, and it's fun to kick back and draw them, one by one, here at my drafting table and computer. I work all the time, and practically sleep in the big, cushy recliner that is my work chair. Working this much means I must keep myself as comfortable as possible, for the sake of my back. Those office chairs never did much for me, so I bought a really good recliner with top of the line back support. It works perfectly and keeps me from having a reoccurrence of the herniated disk and sciatica that made me immobile for months, earlier this year. That experience taught me not to rely on office chairs. After buying all kinds of so-called great ones, I gave up on them altogether. Ever since, my back has healed and all is ok.
Outside is dark, overcast and pleasantly warm. I don't miss the cold weather of up north, but do miss my parents. It's always hard when we cannot be together on the holidays. I call and talk to them every day, so at least we have phone time together. Losing my cousin, George, and my beloved Blackie last month really left me feeling no holiday spirit whatsoever. I'm calm and OK but just too busy with work to deal with celebrating anything. Blackie's ashes are in their urn here on my desk. He's out of pain now, no more hyperthyroidism to deal with. I hope he's up in cat heaven feeling young and being the big kitten he was in life, only with more freedom to play and enjoy himself. My sweet baby, I miss him and his constant presence here. He was always with me as I worked. Here he is, observing as I work on the computer for my old home agent job. He was the best co-worker ever, quiet and caring always.
So, now, Fluffy and Beau are here, watching me work here and there. They are more independent than Black was, and prefer to sit in the windows and watch the birds out on the lake, or the squirrel in the tree out front. I throw myself into work as always. Left brain, right brain, it's all being used to the hilt. Doing the art is my priority, but the side job keeps me living comfortably. It's good to challenge myself with financial work, having spent my younger years supplementing my income with banking and accounting work, now it affords me to do it from home instead of the daily commute. It's fun to have two very opposite sides to myself - the logical banking side and the carefree artist side. It feels good being grounded like that. For a class in college a few years ago, I was given a test to see what side of my brain is dominant, the creative or logical side. The test showed I am balanced, exactly in the middle. That was really cool. Who knew? I sure didn't.
Time to work some more. Maybe later, I'll go to the store, but for now, it's time to create. Coffee is brewing, and the creativity is flowing. Life is good. Oh, and Happy Holidays, too.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A Fond Goodbye to my Blackie, the Best Cat Ever
My furry little soulmate, Blackie died yesterday, peacefully in his sleep. He was here at home with me at his side. Wondering where the heck their buddy went are his two cat buddies, Fluffy (longhaired black) and Beau (longhaired white). My feline family is grieving the loss of a larger-than-life cat, who travelled with me to foreign countries, across the United States and was a seasoned food connoisseur. He was the light of my life, and saw me through boyfriends and a husband. His loyalty continued throughout it all.
During his rapid health decline, I did everything in my power to make him as comfortable and at peace. His little body just closed down as he slept next to me. I am sick with grief but am comforted with the fact that he's no longer dealing with the hyperthyroidism that eventually killed him. He'd lived well with it for a long time, but within a ten hour period, his health suddenly declined and he died. He loved everyone, and everyone loved him. This cat knew how to live, love and to eat..and eat. Rest in peace, my sweet Black.
Here is an article about my beautiful Blackie, detailing his life further:
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Preparing for Upcoming Holiday Shopping
I'm readying my website, Two Purring Cats Design Studio, for the upcoming holiday shopping season. It's a big job, but a fun escape from talking on the phones for my day job. I'm adding products to my inventory, and the site has doubled since last year. The opening page for my site is at:
See more cards here:
All Occasion
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Life is Precious, so Don't Take it for Granted
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Looking for Free Ways to Supplement my Income
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Taking a Break from the Day Job Madness
I'm focusing more on my art career and less on my day job, taking calls for a large company. I'm busy, doing double duty, between my websites, working on illustrations for a large commission I'm working on, and, working this day job that is slowly dying off. I don't like working in-house elsewhere, so I'm going to work it until I find a few more big commissions or get laid off, whichever comes first. Business is drying up for the day job. My co-workers IM me and tell me how stressed they are, because they don't make enough money to pay their bills. We used to make a lot of money on a regular basis.
Through it all, doing my art is my refuge from all the troubles and stresses of life. I look from my drafting table out at my lake and watch the big, white egrets fly around happily. They sure have the life. No monthly expenses or stress, just hang out in the sun and eat fish (or whatever else they come in contact with that'll fit into their mouths). Looking at animals soothes me. My life isn't bad at all, no big mortgages to pay off, no dependents, and a paid off car. Still, things aren't complete until I optimize my site so it makes me better money. If I can do that, then bye, bye stressy day job / hello peace and quiet, devoting my precious time to doing what I do, full time once again.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
People Who Hurt or Kill Animals Need to go to Jail and Stay There.
The ASPCA is a great organization that fights for everyday rights of animals of different kinds. It's free and quick to be a part of their different lobbying campaigns to help our loving pets from morons like these. Help the animals and sign up with them, it's free and all they do is occaisionally send an email that you click on and send back, and they send a letter to your local Congressman to vote for specific anti-cruelty issues. It's real issues, not raising heck over silly stuff. Your word does count. I have recieved many letters from the government saying bills I back actually passed. It's a good thing.
Monday, July 30, 2007
I'm expanding my line of shirts and designs..
Here's a link to my latest additions to my clothing line, this is more international and somewhat more sophisticated than my other site, since it allows language and currency translation:
After working at this all evening, I'm tired. It's late, time to get some sleep. Tomorrow I double duty work again, drawing for a client and working on other projects. It's fun, though, and not like work at all to me.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I found a really nice website today
What an interesting bunch of artists are on this site. I had fun looking at other peoples' portfolios and some of them wrote me. So, I joined, and am glad that I did. It's fun to connect with other artists who are creative, too. Here's the URL for my portfolio:
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Memories of childhood jobs
As far back as I can remember, I was always trying to make money. Maybe it's in the genes, since my grandparents were well-known antique dealers who used to do shows all over the country. My mom inherited their amazing haggling talents, and a few rubbed off on me, too.
From the beginning, there were lemonade stands, going door to door and selling apples from our tree to the neighbors, and of course, babysitting. Back then, money earned was for buying fun stuff, so I'd pick something I wanted to buy, have it put into layaway and pay it off as fast as possible.
At 16, I got a job working in a very exclusive country club, hidden deep in the woods, at the end of a very long and creepy private drive. The lovely Tudor-style mansion had been brought over by one of the Rockefellers, brick-by-brick. It was old, with low ceilings and interesting rooms. I was a banquet girl, who helped with all the weddings and parties of local rich or famous. Every day, it was a big job to stuff all my bushy hair under two to three hair nets, otherwise my boss would freak out. I think she was a drill sargeant in a former life. She was tough and ran a tight "ship."
My job was to put a lemon slice and ice in every glass, set the many tables perfectly and formally, and serve the food. It was fun to watch normally reserved, highly manicured people end up wild and crazy by the end of the night (thanks to the endless open bars served at all weddings.) One businessman wrote me a love letter and left me a rose from a bouquet sticking out of a crystal glassful of mousse. He was bombed out of his gourd, but it was flattering.
Then, there was one wealthy family that I babysat their daughter, who was only four years younger than I. The father would pay me very well, usually $30 to $40 per day, back in the 1970's. They would take frequent trips out of town, leaving me alone with their 12-year old daughter in their huge, sprawling estate. I was only 16 but it was fun, because they let us go to the country club and eat whatever we wanted, at any time. So, we'd go swimming, check out the cute teenaged caddies, and eat Chicken Cordon Bleu and desserts until I was sick of them. Ahh, the good old days. It's time for me to me to warm up leftovers and sit out on the veranda, I mean, my balcony. Not fancy, but peaceful. And, working from home beats everything. Life is good, and those old memories remind me how glad I am to be independent and grown-up.
Here's a blast from the past, love the animation and music!
Sleeping Beauty
Bugs sure do grow big down here in Florida
Originally being from the outer suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, I am used to natural surroundings and an occaisional insect. But, since moving down to Florida, my knowledge of bugs has increased dramatically. Up north, there may be a few species of insect that can be troublesome. Down here, it pays to make sure the critters in your neighborhood stay outdoors, and don't come inside of your home.
It pays to live in a development that regularly sprays for bugs. Also, living on a higher floor helps, for the creepy-crawlies who don't care to crawl fly up high. When I first moved here, I had a lovely apartment on the first floor of a classy building. Unfortunately, everything crawled in, even with spraying, including huge cockroaches, ants of every size, and even termites! The owners of the building had to have the entire building "tented" to keep the lovely, old building from being consumed by the wood-chomping little buggers. Buildings with termites have to be tented every so often, so I moved. The heck with that.
Now, I live up high, and have nothing more than fruit flies (they grow those big down here, too!) and a tiny sugar ant or two. Nothing else. Oh, and down here in Florida, anyone with indoor pets STILL has to put Frontline or Advantage flea protection on them, because cats and dogs get fleas even indoors. It's unavoidable.
So, if you move to Florida, it's a great place to be but make sure to bring bug repellant or spray with you if you live in a place with lax bug extermination policies. Better yet, hire an exterminator to come monthly. Living among nature is wonderful, but bugs are the price you pay to live down in a tropical climate.
Joel Osteen is Very Motivational and Inspiring
Every Sunday morning, I force myself to get up early to watch a half-hour service by Joel Osteen, the Pastor at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. How many pastors do you know that have the following of a rock star, and conduct services to a packed crowd in a former basketball stadium? The high quality, motivational content of his sermons packs them in, and makes us watch. It doesn't hurt that he's cute, either. It's nice to see someone who is moral, upbeat and a solid family man, who lives what he talks about. Nothing fake or hypocritical there. I'm not all that religious but his uplifting sermons really make my day a little brighter. With all the negative stuff we see on TV these days, it's good to be able to watch something that isn't corny, stupid or violent. This is good, common-sense information that I can use. He talks about improving our lives by postivity, reflection and being good to one another.
This is Lakewood Church. Incredibly huge.
If one of Mr.Osteen's sermons is particularly special, I record it on my DVR and play later, whenever I'm feeling down and need a boost. It helps to listen to a positive person talk in a straightforward manner, discuss subjects that I can really relate to, without trying to "save" or convert me. He just tells it like it is, and throws a joke in, here and there. I am not easily impressed, but am loyal when I find someone who can get and hold my attention consistently. Other great ministers are out there, but I can relate best to Joel Osteen because he's my age, and is very contemporary in his style.
Shout to the Lord by Darlene Zschech
Looking forward to the next Harry Potter movie
It won't be too much longer now before the release of the latest Harry Potter movie, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," hits the local cinemas. I usually wait for movies to come out on Pay-Per-View but in this circumstance, I'm going to go check out a matinee. Everything about the whole series of Potter movies intrigues me, from J.K.Rowling's amazing stories, to the highly creative effects and cinematography of each movie they put out. And, mostly, the talented actors tie the whole thing together perfectly. I've never read the Potter book series but have all the movies so far in my home collection, and will get this one too, whenever it comes out in DVD form. Before even seeing it, I know it will be good, dark plot or not.
Half the fun of seeing the Potter movies is the scenery, of the UK. It is so beautiful there. I went there many years ago and travelled all over England. I want to go back and see Scotland, and Ireland, too. So many of the sites used in the Potter films were in castles, churches and other picturresque locations throughout the UK. What a fascinating country with historic buildings everywhere.
So, when the movie opens, I'll be there. I hope J.K. Rowling decides to write more Potter books after all, because the public loves them and can't get enough. Me included. Keep 'em coming, folks...and don't kill off Harry, Hermoine or Ron!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Another day, another dollar (literally)
This afternoon, I called Bill and we went over ways to help get me back where I was sales-wise. He said I need to get my confidence back, which is totally true. Just talking it over, after weeks of stressing about it, has helped. The rest of the workday didn't show improved stats, but tomorrow is another day. Our company is firing people left and right nowadays, nobody says I'm in any danger of losing my job at all, but still, I want to get the groove back to selling. This is a big company, selling products that aren't a necessity. When the economy takes a hit, impulse sales drop down and people become guarded of their money. I fully understand. Talking about that with Bill, he knows this is now an issue, and helped me to figure out how to address new concerns of our poorest customers. It helped tremendously. I am grateful and now have alternate ways of talking to customers, given the knew tools to do that. Sales is all about going with the flow. Ugh. I like things to stay the same, but they just don't. So, I take a moment to gripe, then let it go and start over. This is one of those times.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Learning about online marketing is a lot of work
I live at this computer, and even dream of typing and html in my sleep from time to time. Wow, I've really become a computer geek. Well, it's ok, because working on this computer allows me to do my day job from home, and the rest of my work here, too. To break up the monotony, I sit at the drafting table and draw my drawings. It's nice to give my eyes a break from the computer screen here and there.
Here's my cat Beau, watching me work:
He sure has the life, and I'm happy to give him the best one possible. He's my desk kitty, always with me when I work.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Really fed up with my job
We used to be top in the company. Now, we're on the top team, but our stats are lousy. The bosses just say to "hang in there, everyone is hurting right now." Yeah, they make better money than we do, so for them that is easy to say. My lifestyle is nice, and I want to keep it, not end up having to lose all that I've worked for as I wait for the company to improve itself. I wonder how many other people are out there, in different companies, having similar problems? I went to college, worked hard, and would like to go back to doing art full-time. It pays well if I push it, so I may have to do that eventually. Time will tell. Until then, I'm keeping myself as mellow as possible, to get through the storm. So far, so good. I'm not giving up.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are Definite Class Acts All the Way
It's commendable that Pitt and Jolie are adopting children and want more. Since they have the means, committment and desire, they'll make great parents to any lucky kids they have. They should have more biological children, too. Any positive and quality additions to the human gene pool would be an asset. Just look at Shiloh, what a gorgeous baby.
One project they're doing is working on a housing development of some kind for the Hurricane Katrina victims. Brad Pitt is an architecture buff, and is taking the project very seriously. Who cares if he left his ex for Angelina, some relationships weren't meant to be. Obviously, that was one of them. The focus is now on what he and Angelina can do to help others, while raising their kids, and doing other obligations. They sure are a busy couple. I wish I had just a little of that amazing energy of theirs. They are great role models for kids, so I hope the news does more to document all the great work that they are doing.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I can't sleep tonight but am making the most of it
I worked an all-night job once, as a telephone operator, many years ago. It was a very peaceful job, since the phones stayed still most of the time. It was hard to adjust to not sleeping at night, but I did it for awhile. Back then, in my twenties, I was a ball of energy. Now, I have energy but not as much as back then. Why mine crops up in the middle of the night sometimes, I'll never know for sure. My brain just doesn't shut off, and is always thinking and analyzing. It can make me feel overloaded frequently, when going through problems like right now.
In a few hours, it'll be time to work again. I'd better get some sleep, if I plan to be good at my job. Being in sales, it is important to be "up" when working. It's harder to be that way when I'm not rested.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
A Peaceful Sunday Afternoon
There are many great activities I could do today, but I chose to work and make money instead of spend it. Friends wanted me to go to the movies, and out to eat. Another time, right now money is a bit tight, so it's best to keep working. I was sick for a few weeks, with a bad back problem (herniated disk), which put me out of commission for even my home agent job. Being flat on my back was not conducive to working on the computer or phone. But now, I'm healed, just a little poorer for the lack of income coming in. The art and writing has pulled me through. I'm a workaholic, so it's hard for me to stop working on something, whether it's writing articles, drawing for clients or taking calls. I could do without the call-taking, but that is steady money so it must be done. I have no commute to work and don't even need to use my car unless I feel like it. That saves a lot on gas. Here in Florida, gas prices are just through the roof. Living in a tourism area, it's cheaper to take a taxi than to use my own car anymore, since taxis are everywhere.
This morning I watched Joel Osteen, a preacher from Texas. Handsome, moral and articulate. What a man. How come I couldn't find a mate like this when I was looking? My old boyfriends and husband were handsome but lacking in just about everything else. I sure know how to pick 'em. Anyways, Mr. Osteen has the whole package, and is a true professional to boot. His sermons are so uplifting and positive, and I'm not even religious. What a good influence on the world he is. There needs to be more people like this, helping others to feel good about themselves. We need all the positivity we can get, with all the stressful events going on worldwide.
It would be so nice to have a vacation in the near future. I'd love to go visit my parents up in Cleveland, before the weather gets too cold. I call them daily to chat, and miss having the chance to do it in person. They are busy with their gardening, and all is well with them.
A new week starts tomorrow, how I hope it's a good one. There's a lot of work to do, but for today, it's at a leisurely pace, the way I like it.
Friday, June 08, 2007
The Paris Hilton Fiasco
Hopefully, Ms. Hilton will spend every day of the rest of her sentence in jail, and learn that she cannot manipulate others into getting her out of jail early. She has chosen not to go to college and to live a hedonistic life of drunken excess; now she needs to serve time for endangering others' lives with her driving. If she gets sprung from jail again, I will lose my faith in the American legal system. The law pertains to everyone, rich or poor. We all make mistakes, but we learn from them. It's time Ms. Hilton stops crying and starts to wise up. She isn't a child anymore, and now needs to be an adult, accept her mistakes and do what she said she would do originally, serve out her time fully. Saying things isn't enough, it takes doing them in order to be taken seriously in this world. Without integrity, we are nothing.
Friday, June 01, 2007
A Clevelander Living in Florida
Though I love Florida, I do miss Cleveland in spring, summer and fall. It's the snow I'm happy to never need to see again. Chagrin is picturresque old town, a place that anyone would be proud to grow up in. Here it is in the warm months:
I miss my hometown, but the ultra-rich have taken over. I cannot afford to live there anymore, but do visit the local Starbucks and shops whenever in town. And the local pancake breakfast nearby at West Geauga High School. The area will always be in my heart.
Now, I live in Florida, which is fascinating. It's so different from my midwestern upbringing. Here, there are bugs the size of plates, amazing vistas of ocean down the street from me, and huge amounts of traffic, that moves fast and the drivers are aggressive. Florida is flat, but the gorgeous natural lakes and parks everywhere make up for it. I live on a lake and though rent is high, I love it here. It isn't home in Ohio but I moved here to enjoy the sun, water and blue sky.
Life is good, and every day, I call my parents to say hello. Thank goodness for the phone company. I love my job (working from home in sales and running my art studio), and the great outdoors. My plants take care of themselves, out on my balcony. I brought a bunch of orchid plants with me from up north, they didn't like the dry air there, but here, they are in their element. They bloom profusely. This is a gardener's paradise.
Sure, we have hurricanes here. If they hit, my area is on high ground and I'm up high, so that's a plus. If the hurricane is really dangerous, it's time for a quick vacation up north, with my pets, to escape for awhile. I don't want to own a home here, too risky. Every time a bad hurricane hits, peoples' roofs get damaged or blown off. Not for me. I'll stick to letting the landlords maintain the property, and enjoy myself. Moving to Florida, it's a good thing.
The Daily Circus of the Phil Spector Trial
Thinking about Lana, and why she went to Spector's so-called "castle" in the first place, my guess is that she was being polite. According to what was said in court, witnesses said he'd asked her to leave with him a few times, and she'd said no. That right there tells me that he was being pushy and somewhat desperate. She finally obliged to go with him, maybe she thought he could help her career along in some way. Befriending a famous producer who wasn't mental would've been helpful to an actress who was looking to get her career back on track. She rolled the dice on this one, and lost. So very sad. She could've been anyone's daughter. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and was caught in his trap. What a shame. She was found with her purse on her shoulder, in a chair next to the back door. She clearly wanted out. From what authorities say, he had romance on his mind. That would make me run for the hills, screaming. The terror she must have went through is unimaginable.
So, Spector sits in court, with his day-glo, polyester florescent pant-suits from the seventies and his fancy lawyers. He brought in a special chair for himself, so he could sit in total comfort during the proceedings. The ever-savvy prosecution team, seeing his attempt at looking superior, took the opportunity to bring their own pricey Aeron chairs too. He has spent his adult years being pampered, catered to and able to do whatever he wants. Well, if the jury has any sense whatsoever they will let him have the opportunity to see how luxurious a jail cell will be for his murderous ways. I remember in the seventies when there were reports of his being mean to his then wife. I was a kid and thought, "That guy is nuts." Well, now everyone seems to be agreeing with me. He doesn't help matters any by waving guns in women's faces, or going to court wearing clown outfits and crazy wigs.
To top everything off, Mr.Spector got married again. As everything else in his life (story about that fateful night, the hair, etc) that marriage is surely fake, too. He probably needed someone female to show the court that he is capable of being around women, and she probably needed money and security (an actress - oh, the shock!) No money in the world is worth living with a monster like that, in my opinion. If he's acquitted, she gets him forever. Or, until the money runs out from paying all those pricey lawyers. Either way, that marriage is a show in itself. They parade in with bodyguards every day, what for? He is hardly a rock star. Maybe he was famous in music once, but now, well - most people don't even know who he is other than he's on trial. Bodyguards. They have the easiest job in the world, protecting someone nobody notices. People would rather run from this guy than run towards him, I imagine.
I think Spector has let his past fame cloud his judgment and fool him into believing he is all-special, invincible and can do no wrong. Time will tell, when the verdict is read. Until then, I watch and and strangely fascinated by the craziness of the whole thing. That trial is more riveting than any soap opera. Lana never deserved this. I hope there is justice and that her family gets the verdict that they hope for. I've never known her but I've had friends when younger. We were social and used to go out as a group, to socialize in higher class restaurants and clubs. Nobody was ever in danger. We used to go out to breakfast at Perkins Pancakes after clubbing. Going to a stranger's home alone was a no-no way back when. Nowadays, even moreso. Lana was a little older than I am, so she probably thought since he had a driver and was famous, that he was trustworthy. This just goes to show, meet strangers in public places, and stay in public places until a true friendship is built.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Balancing my life between being a home agent and artist
My sales stats have always been high, and I've even been one of the top reps in my company. Still, my one true passion is my art and art studio. It is fun to see how many sales have been made at the end of each week. Art is a precarious way to make a living unless you have steady clients. Some of my clients do repeat buying, but in the art world, that isn't a steady way to live unless you hire in-house for a company. I tried that, but prefer having the creative freedom to work on my own, from home. Doing the subjects I want to do (natural subjects like plants and animals.)
Being a workaholic, having a life like this suits me. It would suit me more if I could fully rely on my studio for complete support. That takes time and much marketing. But, slowly and surely, I'm doing more every day to accomplish that goal. It sure does take a lot of patience. Word to the wise, if you are in art school and want to be a freelancer someday, take marketing courses so you will be able to market your work when you're out on your own. Most art schools don't let you double major in business and art. I know, I tried to do it but wasn't allowed. So, take any course you can, whether offering credit or not, just to learn ways to promote your work. Having an agent is good (I have one as well) but they take a chunk out of your profits. My agent handles my original art, and I handle my prints. This way profits are balanced and decent.