Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Getting Ready to Adopt a New Cat

Beau in his kitty house

So much has been going on, as I work to adopt a different cat than in my last blog post. The last one was kept by the foster, who fell in love with the cat and wouldn't let him go. This time around, I found a reputable, registered rescue who doesn't play these games and they are coming with my kitty this week! His name is Matisse, a five-year old, laid-back, deaf boy. I pray that Beau loves him, I know I will. It will take a careful introduction, as with any cats. Beau loves cats but he didn't like Fluffy much, the two of them were like oil and water, but they tolerated one another. He loved my late Blackie, though. My fingers are crossed as we introduce them slowly and gently.

Other teeth are having many issues. I must have the upper ones all worked on, one by one. My dentist is thinking "cha-ching!!" when he sees my mouth. It will be worth all the work in the end. There should be a law against paying big bucks for slow, painful torture. Insurance? What insurance? I had it before, and it didn't pay for much ($1000 cap on dental repairs and a cleaning, yearly..that's IT). The real work starts next month. What can you do? Nothing. Just gotta do it.

Spring has sprung. It's nice to see buds on the trees. With better weather, I am enjoying being outdoors more, love it. I'm looking for a house so I can garden, it will be nice to have a place to spread out in. It takes time..and more money. Doing more artwork is the answer to everything. At times I'm totally exhausted and need breaks, but then renewal sets in and I'm good to go again. Time to get busy with it, inspired by the lovely new kitty coming to me, and my current gorgeous boy, who also inspires me at all times. Just love him so very much :)

My soon-to-be new cat, Matisse

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